Everything DiSC® Workplace®

Everything DiSC® Workplace® helps you to understand yourself and others while embracing the unique behaviours and preferences everyone brings to the workplace.
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How will Everything DiSC® Workplace® help you?

In your 20-page personalised profile and 1-hour one-to-one coaching session we will explore together your own DiSC style, uncovering what motivates and stresses you, what comes naturally, and what might be challenging when interacting with others. You’ll also gain actionable strategies to improve communication and strengthen your relationships at work.

Discover your style

Understand what drives and inspires you at work.

Strengthen relationships

Build trust in all workplace interactions with all kinds of people.

Appreciate others

Learn to value the unique styles and strengths of others.

Bring people together

Create a space where diverse perspectives come together and where everyone clicks and thrives.

Communicate with ease

Adapt your approach to connect more naturally with others.

Feel more confident

Navigate workplace dynamics with understanding and clarity.

How does it work?

1. Complete the assessment.

The research-validated Everything DiSC® assessment uses a five-point scale to explore your behavioural tendencies. With advanced adaptive testing, it delivers precise insights tailored to your unique style.

2. Book your coaching.

Book a coaching slot with one of our accredited and experienced Everything DiSC® coaches to receive your personalised profile and explore the actionable insights it provides.

3. Reflect and take action.

Reflect on your learning and plan your next steps. Consider how you will apply what you have learned immediately. 

Get started.

For individuals

This is the best option if you are enrolling as an individual. In this option you will receive your personalised Everything DiSC Workplace profile and a 1-hour one-to-one coaching session at a time that suits you.

For teams and organisations
Bespoke pricing

This is the option for you if you want to enrol your team or choose Everything DiSC to change behaviours and the culture across your organisation. There are no limits on the amount of profiles you can invest in. We offer bespoke solutions for organisations, including in-person workshops. Let's talk!