The Lasting Impression: Why Positive Endings Win Customers

Dec 2
Sometimes, we might think that once we’ve provided a solution to a customer, our job is done. But if we let the interaction fizzle out with a generic, “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” we miss an opportunity to leave a lasting positive impression. Those final moments are critical - they shape how customers remember their experience with you.

The science behind memorable experiences

In customer service, the final moments of an interaction significantly shape a customer's overall perception. Behavioural science research indicates that people tend to remember experiences based on the most intense point and the conclusion rather than the experience as a whole. This means that even if the majority of an interaction is positive, a poor ending can disproportionately affect the customer's memory of the entire experience.

Additionally, emotional events are more likely to be remembered than neutral ones, highlighting the importance of ending interactions on a positive emotional note. A warm and personalised conclusion can enhance the customer's overall memory of their experience, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Therefore, ensuring that customer interactions conclude positively is crucial, as the final moments can leave a lasting impression that influences their loyalty, future behaviour and perceptions.

Why it matters

Imagine delivering a fantastic experience, only for your customer to leave feeling frustrated because you rushed through the final steps or forgot to confirm something important. Worse still, what if they realise later that you missed a crucial detail, forcing them to call back? These small missteps can colour their memory of the interaction - and it’s that memory they’ll share with friends, family, or colleagues.

Research shows that 75% of customers are more likely to feel satisfied if their next steps are clearly explained (HubSpot).

Two steps to ending on a high

Here are two key steps to ensuring a positive end to your interaction:

Step 1: Confirm what happens next
After offering a solution, ensure the customer knows what to expect. Clearly explain any actions you’re taking and any steps the customer needs to follow, like sending documentation or additional information. Don’t rush through this part - go at the customer’s pace to avoid confusion or frustration. Research demonstrates that clear communication about the next steps builds customer trust and reduces follow-up calls (Nextiva).

Step 2: Thank the customer with a personal and memorable goodbye.
Throughout your interaction, listen for ‘gifts’ - the little details customers share that you can use to personalise your goodbye. For example, if a customer mentions an upcoming holiday, you might say, “Thank you for contacting us today - I hope you have an amazing trip!” Ending with a warm, sincere thank-you and a tailored goodbye shows you’ve listened and that you care. This personal touch builds trust and ensures the customer feels valued. Studies reveal that 81% of customers are more likely to return to a business after receiving personalised service (Accenture).

Ending interactions with warmth and clarity not only leaves customers feeling positive but also aligns with how our brains process and store memories. By focusing on emotional connection and clear communication, you ensure that the customer’s memory of the interaction is one they’ll cherish and share.

With these small but significant adjustments, you’ll ensure your customer leaves feeling confident, cared for, and likely to return. After all, a warm goodbye isn’t just an ending—it’s the start of their loyalty.

T is for Thank - "I'm happy I could help you today."

In our tried and tested GREAT Customer Service framework, T is for Thank. End the interaction on a high with a personal, trust-building goodbye and ensure the customer leaves the interaction feeling confident that their question or issue has been resolved.

Ending the interaction with a trust-building goodbye helps the customer feel good about their interaction with you; this leaves the door open for future, positive interactions and builds advocacy and therefore recommendations.

Ensure that your customer understands what will happen next and is confident in the solution you have provided. Take steps to avoid the customer having to contact the organisation again about the same issue. Thank the customer and end the interaction in a personal and memorable way